Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

This may be a question you find yourself asking when it seems there is no end to your dog licking everything. Is he licking the couch, the carpet, and even the table? Are there no dry spots left in your house to safely sit on? This obsessive licking can be really bothersome. But, there are reasons why your dog is licking everything he can get his tongue on.


Excessive licking can be the result of dehydration. Always be sure your dog has access to fresh water all day long.

Stress or Anxiety

Do you notice your dog licking the furniture more often when there are visitors at your home? Maybe waiting in the vet’s office he starts licking the floor. Dogs sometimes lick when they are stressed or anxious. Try to assess the situation and see if there is any way you can soothe your dog. Maybe a nice bone would do the trick when you have company over. Lavender is also known to have a calming effect. You should be able to pick up a bottle of lavender infused shampoo at the pet store or some lavender oil from your local health shop.


If you are tired of your dog licking everything you may have more control over the situation than you think. Often the only reason a dog is licking excessively is because he has nothing better to do. Dogs have a lot of energy; especially certain breeds. They need to be physically and mentally stimulated just as we do. If your dog is not getting enough exercise or entertainment throughout the day he may resort to licking. Try increasing your walk time or taking him to the dog park. A happy, satisfied dog should be sleeping on his bed not licking it.

Medical Issues

Dogs may lick surfaces when they feel nauseated, have an upset tummy, or a toothache. There could even be a more serious condition behind the behavior such as liver disease, adrenal disorder, or a disturbance to the central nervous system. The problem could also be a psychological one. You may have an obsessive compulsive pup on your hands. If you have considered the other options and are concerned your dog’s licking may be something more serious you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.


Your dog may be trying to tell you that he needs some love and affection. I am not saying that every time your dog starts licking the walls you should reward him with hugs and kisses, but you should ask yourself if you have given him enough attention throughout the day. Dogs thrive on affection. Be sure to take time out every day to give your dog a little one-on-one time and really let him know how much you value having him in your life.


Your dog’s licking could be a sign of nutritional imbalance or an allergic reaction to his food. Be sure you are keeping him on a proper diet. Read my article on how to choose the right dog food for more information about that.

So how do I stop my dog from licking everything?

Whether or not you have found the underlying cause your dog may still be licking due to the fact that it is a habit now. In order to break him of this habit try distracting him when he is in the act. Make a loud noise like clapping your hands or dropping something that will clatter on the floor, but try not to let him see that the noise is coming from you. Once he is startled and stops licking give him an alternative means of entertainment such as his favorite toy to chew or maybe a game of fetch. Whatever you do, do not reprimand your dog for licking. This could create stress which in turn could lead to more licking. Simply, try to entice him away from it. The earlier you notice this habit forming the sooner you can put an end to it for it is definitely not an endearing trait to have a dog that licks everything and anything.


  1. Replies
    1. Very informative. Thank you. To the person who replied "stupid" were you looking in the mirror?

  2. Interesting I see a few in here that may help thanks.
